Sunday 14 October 2012

These next two designers i am going to look at are both car designers Alec Issigonis  and Dante Giacosa who's both designers have been copied for modern day versions of the original designers.
Sir Alec Issigonis will always be remembered for creating the Mini.

File:Morris Mini-Minor 1959.jpg

 We can see the similarities between the two however their purpose and size are remarkably different , originally a small cheap car the mini is now a fairly large hatchback and expensive compared to other similar sized cars.

The second car designer Dante Giacosa is credited for designing the fiat 500 like the mini his iconic design has been updated and like the mini the purpose has changed from a cheap car for the people to a fashonable car to own.

File:1970 Fiat 500 L -- 2011 DC 1.jpg

Walter gropius

What i like about this building that i discovered by Walter Gropius is the reaction it provokes when we realise this was designed over a 100 years ago, the use of glass predominatelt to one side and the clean compactness of the structure gives the impression it is a far more recent design than 1910.

The Walter house, designed for his own personal use again appears to be far more recent design than it actually is, my first impression would be a 1970s design however this was finished in 1938.
We can see comparisons to his previous work which he designed before his experiences during the first world war which lead him to say "start again from zero"

Sunday 23 September 2012

My final artist that i have choosen to look at is Claire Rollet what strikes me about her work is the almost contrast colours that she has used for her work, we see the simple but inproportion drawing of the arc de triomphe, she then uses these the contrasting colours to emphisise the peice.

Norman Cornish is the fourth artist i have choosen to look at what i find appealing about his work is its simplicity yet selective use of colour showing the three miners off to the pit.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

The next artist i have selected is one i discovered last year whilst in illustration , Lucinda Rogers i found her work to stand out from the rest s the selective use of colour in her illustrations. In the peice below we see minimal use of colour to highlight certain building's roofs, what intrests me about this is how it takes away your focus from perhaps the more noteable buildings in the illustration such as the church as whit out the addition of colour that would be the aspect to stand out the most.
The second Artist i have chosen to look at is Stanley Wood who illustrated during the first world war.
My reasoning for choosing this image is i feel it gives a sence of "glory" and is more of a propaganda piece rather than a accurate illustration showing the horrors of the first world war as the soldiers charge in no man's land. Allthough this could be seen in a negative way to 'cover up' the truth i feel it was done in this way to keep up morale.
Our second task in theory is to look at six artist that appeal to me; the first of these i have chosen is a artist i have admired for some time, Paul Trevillion who i discoverd whilst reading the daily mail where he occasionly does illustrations of certain sporting icons shuch as Rooney or Andy Murray. I find his work interesting as i fell he gets the right balance between Cartoon and a Portrait which is shown in his detailed peices in the Book "You are the Ref". We see how light is applied to the face which isnt usally the case when we think of comic strips.

Petr Cech by Paul Trevillion

Tuesday 11 September 2012

For my first session of Theory involves looking at several artistis the  first of these that i have chosen to look at is Laura Carlin

What i like about  this peice is we see illustrations on a less traditional surface , ceramics. The content seems to be a cityscape what appears to be of a 19th centuary citty i can tell this how the artist has included horses in between the buildings and also the large chimneys showing the industrial theme which could relate to it been on ceramics.